

首都之窗 2019-06-19
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Zongzi, a type of steamed rice dumplings, wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves is a signature of Duanwu festival, or Dragon Boat Festival, which falls on the fifth day of the fifth month on the Chinese lunar calendar.


In northern China, zongzi might be filled with a few jujubes or some other dried fruit. It even has sumptuous fillings, like red bean paste, fresh pork, ham or salted egg yolk; you'll find that in southern China, zongzi's main ingredient remains unchanged: glutinous rice.


Although it’s delicious, eating too much zongzi would lead to stomach distress, since the main ingredient — glutinous rice is a food containing high calorie and viscosity.


How to stay healthy without indigestion while enjoying zongzi? Never forget to eat some fruits after a feast during the Duanwu Festival. Here are some recommendations -- sweet summer fruits for you.

1. 荔枝 Lychee


This jelly and sweet fruit is healthy source of sugar, dietary fiber and is rich in water. It has high amount of vitamins that can promote blood circulation of tiny blood vessels, prevent freckles and is also beneficial to the skin. The sweet juice is an excellent fuel for you.

2. 杨梅 Yumberry


Yumberry, or yangmei, contains a variety of organic acids and is full of vitamin C. It is not only directly involved in the metabolism of sugar in the body and the oxidation-reduction process, but it also enhances the permeability of capillaries, and reduces blood lipids to offer you protection from cancers.


The acid it contains not only prepares appetite, but also prevents the body from turning sugar into fat. So it is also a good choice for dieters.

3. 樱桃 Cherry


This nutritious fruit is deemed to help remove kidney toxins and other toxins as well as unclean body fluids. It is rich in iron. Every 100 grams of cherry contains up to 59 mg of iron, ranking first among all fruits. The vitamin A in it is about four to five times more than that of grapes, apples and oranges.

4. 油桃 Nectarine


Though nectarine is a variant of peach, it is sweeter and more nutritious than peach. It meets almost all the body’s daily requirements for vitamin C, which helps the absorption of iron and maintenance of the immune system and is critical to collagen, an important component of skin that promotes wound healing.

5. 西瓜 Watermelon


The large juicy watermelon cut into slices are a surefire way to combat heat and thirst. It contains no fat but is full of water. About 94 percent of watermelon pulp is water that can help expel the excess water and toxins from the body. Therefore, the metabolism will naturally get better. The calorie of watermelon is very low – every 100 grams of watermelon only contains 31 calories. And it is a perfect choice for weight loss as eating more watermelon can reduce the intake of staple food.







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